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About BiblioRossica

BiblioRossica is an exclusive portal for academics and scholars that offers expertly selected collections devoted to the most relevant areas of modern Russian, Jewish, Eastern European and Eurasian Humanities. Our fast-growing electronic reference database includes over 10 000 titles of scholarship, with thematic collections spanning works in history, philosophy, linguistics, art, sociology, and more. Our mission is to assemble and make accessible the latest and best publications in the Humanities. New titles will be made available immediately after their release, along with the most significant publications from recent years.

BiblioRossica combines the traditions of meticulous research with the newest technologies, offering a constantly expanding array of services designed for the academic community including:

  • A user-friendly catalog featuring standard, extended, and full-text search capabilities
  • An eBook-PDF format that allows the user to increase font and page sizes, change viewing layout, and more
  • Options to integrate content into campus intranets and teaching platforms
  • Unique thematic collections curated by leading experts in the relevant areas of research
  • Attractive rates, flexible subscription plans, and access options for institutions and individuals

Our catalog and collections are comprised of publications from leading Russian academic presses, including NLO, Indrik, OGI, and Nestor-Istoriia, as well as recent English publications in Russian, Slavic, and Jewish studies from Academic Studies Press and Central European University Press.

Bibliorossica.com is a project of Academic Studies Press (Boston, MA).


BiblioRossica offers libraries a rapidly expanding catalog of ebooks devoted to research areas in the Humanities and Social Sciences.

At the moment, BiblioRossica features three collections—Contemporary Jewish Studies, Contemporary Russian Studies, and Leading Russian Scholarly Publishers—comprised of over 10 000 expertly selected titles.

Through collaboration with leading academic presses, expert curators, and other members of the scholarly community, we are continuously adding a broader range of content to our website.


By subscribing to BiblioRossica, libraries gain access to the website’s resources on all computers within the range of registered IP addresses. With a subscription, users within the registered IP range will have the capacity to view all texts, as well as print and/or email up to 15% of each title.

In working with us, librarians can always count on the transparency of data pertaining to the viewing and downloading of books on computers within their IP range. Librarians will also be provided with a login and password to view the usage statistics.

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We offer libraries a range of subscription plans based on their individual needs and budget. Subscriptions range from six month to two years.

Libraries may also request a free trial access to our resources for a period of one month.

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All books are licensed and protected from unauthorized usage. Watermarks with the personal data of the customer protect the PDF from being redistributed. Users are permitted to copy and print up to 15% of the text. A record of copying and printing for each PDF file is saved for further control over text usage.


To ensure the long-term accessibility of the titles and collections for subscribing customers, BiblioRossica archives its digital content via Portico.

How to Participate

If you are interested in subscribing to BiblioRossica or obtaining a trial access, please take a moment to register and one of our representatives will contact you shortly.

People under 17 years may only be admitted if accompanied by a parent or guardian.